Thank you to all our kind and wonderful sponsors we are able to offer a sponsor prize on all our challenges in 2019

Every Friday we will bring you a new challenge which is ANYTHING GOES but we have an optional twist to make it more interesting, along with the Design Team's creations for extra inspiration!

Anyone is welcome to join in from all over the world, and we hope you will join us when you can!

We are primarily a card making blog but please feel free to link your alternative projects in line with our challenges. You can combine challenges if you wish.

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Friday, 15 March 2013

Are you up for a Laugh chall #174

Hi there CRAFTY CATZ friends Carol here ... we had some fabulous creations for our challenge last week and tomorrow Dianne will be back with the chosen TOP 3 and our lucky winner. But I will hand you over to Aunty Sue to announce our GDT for April .
Good Morning Aunty Sue here with our announcement and we had some lovely entries and if you are not the lucky one please do try again next month.
Well Aprils GDT is number 73
a regulor to our challenges can you please contact me on
so I can give you details of next months challenges
Well back to Carol for this weeks challenge.

We are back with another new challenge and this week it was my turn to pick the theme...
so  the theme is MAKE YOU LAUGH !! OR US which ever the case may be!!

Now for us this challenge was easy as we have our lovely Bugaboo sponsor on board this week and they have some wonderful  images and quotes to inspire you

The prize is 7 images of your choice....

so lets see what the fab DT have been creating.We will start with Our March GDT

sentiment reads -  'Pour lots of wine! Ania (Anna) is turning 40!'.



These are all fab i'm sure you will agree, the DT have done a really brill job ... i hope they made you
 smile /laugh
Now it's your turn , please link up with Mr. LINKY 
only the once mind you as we only allow one entry  for the challenge.
Have a good weekend all
Carol and the CRAFTY CATZ Girls

Mr Linky

Make Us Laugh

1. CG  10. Susan Kennedy  19. Lynne in NI  
2. Tracie C.  11. CraftyGirl  20. Annette  
3. Astrid  12. Dawn Lancaster  21. Jennifer Scull  
4. Emily Thubbron  13. tilly trotter  22. ScrapSoon  
5. Gail Scott  14. Janice  23. Marianne MW  
6. Ali Wade  15. Sheena  24. coops  
7. Dewi Lestari  16. Tracy MacDonald  25. Bridie Payne  
8. Cat Spicer  17. Tracey Boley  
9. Leeann  18. Lorraine A  

(Linkup closed)


  1. Wow, these are all so hilarious! Love 'em!

  2. Fab DT inspiration - they all made me chuckle! Ali x

  3. Thank you for choosing me as a guest DT for April, I am so looking forward to the challenge
    Hugs Tilly

    1. ooh lovely to have you on board for the Month hope you enjoy it, hugs carol x

  4. Lovely challenge thank you for letting me play along. See you next time!!! Thanks again! :-)


