Thank you to all our kind and wonderful sponsors we are able to offer a sponsor prize on all our challenges in 2019

Every Friday we will bring you a new challenge which is ANYTHING GOES but we have an optional twist to make it more interesting, along with the Design Team's creations for extra inspiration!

Anyone is welcome to join in from all over the world, and we hope you will join us when you can!

We are primarily a card making blog but please feel free to link your alternative projects in line with our challenges. You can combine challenges if you wish.

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Friday 25 January 2013


Crafty Catz Fans

It's time for a 
New Challenge 
but before i tell you about this week's challenge 
I need to tell you who was the winner 
for last week 's

Number 60
Congratulations a gorgeous box please contact


Well now onto this week's challenge it is my turn Dianne 
and the theme this week is 


So i would like to see some cute images
 and maybe a button or two
Cannot wait to see what you come up with 

Sponsering our challenge this week we have two 
fabulous sponser's 

And we also have 

Wow fantastic 

So let's see what the ladies 
have been up to this week 
This is Jill's last week with us and we would all like to thank her for being a fab GDT and all her hard work we hope she will come and play with us again real soon.

(sponser's image)

(sponser's image)
(sponser's image)
(sponser's image)
(sponser's image)
(sponser's image)
(sponser's image)
(sponser's image)
(sponser's image)
(sponser's image)

Wow ladies you have done me proud 
for my challenge this week they are 
all gorgeous and beautiful 

So i hope you will join us again this week 
and don't forget ONE entry only 
so as to make it fare for everyone 

Just add your creation with 
Mr Linky 

Have Fun !!

Dianne and Crafty Catz ladies xx

Mr Linky

Friday 18 January 2013

Crafty Catz Challenge 166 - Anything but a Card

Hiya to you all its Sassy here but
before i get on with this weeks challenge  for Crafty Catz
it is my pleasure to announce the winner of last weeks challenge buttons and bows so glad Mr random does the choosing as so many beautiful entries .... and the winner is NO 23

Karal's at  Creative Space

if you could email Carol to collect your prize
 email Carol

We would also like to announce our wonderful GDT for February
 Jac from Jac's Playground
Please contact Aunty Sue at

its my turn this week to choose a theme and have gone for something to stretch the old grey matter

prize is 3 packs of die cuts

i do so hope you can join in 
 we are sponsored this week  by

Just look at all the wonderful creations my wonderful teamies have for your inspiration arn't they all just wonderful

2 fab projects from Jill this week
Paper Neckless
 Mini Album
Papers of Album

Aunty Sue



Beth - gift bag

Dianne -Trinket Boxes




(Copic Journal)
please remember girlies and boys only one entry please to keep it fair ttfn 
hugs sassyxxxxx

Friday 11 January 2013

Challenge 165 - Buttons & Bows & GDT for February

Good morning everyone and it's Kim here with a warm welcome to a new challenge here at CraftyCatz!  Wow! There were a lot of entries for last week's 'Anything Goes' challenge - nearly 270! And they were all fabulous!  I'm so glad that Mr Random picks the winners for us!
And as there were two prizes on offer for our first challenge of 2013 there are two winners -
The winner of our 
No. 81 - Ajascha - with this gorgeous creation!

And the winner of the fantastic crafting goody bag provided by our lovely Carol is
No. 206 - Nessy - with this gorgeous little cowboy!

So please can both of our prize winners email Carol

So, onto this week's challenge - and another nice and easy one for you - Buttons & Bows! We just need to see at least one bow and at least one button somewhere on your creation! Easy Peasy! The prize this week is a gorgeous goody bag of crafting treasures from Mulberry Crafts

We're also looking for a Guest DT member to join us for February! So if you are interested in joining our happy, friendly team just add 'GDT' after your name on your Linky entry.
Our fantastic DT have provided some great 'Buttons & Bows' inspiration for you

GDT Jill
using Sassy Studio Designs -Elizabeth Bennett









Aunty Sue

Aren't they great?
So get busy with the buttons & bows and join us this week.  Please remember that it is ONE entry per person 
to make it fair for everyone.  There were quite a few multiple entries last week and we're sorry but they are then deleted before we make the random winners draw! 
And don't forget to add 'GDT' if you'd like to join us as a Guest Design Team member for February! 

Friday 4 January 2013

Anything goes # 164

and welcome back to our challenges for 2013.
We do hope you have all had a wonderful Christmas and New year!!
This years brings 
 lots of Sponsors on board some are ones we have had a little while and some are new to us.
Just scroll down the side bar to have a peek to see what fab sponsors are in store for you this year, we also have been lucky with two sponsors some weeks, how great is that!! 

This week we are having two!!
ME......Carol as i am celebrating taking over the running of Crafty Catz, 
which was planned for now but did happen a little sooner back in  October. 
so this is what i am giving away..

Our other new sponsor is 

and the prize is.

Now our challenge this week is 
The design team have  been playing while on their little break away over the holidays and they have made some fabulous creations as usual.
I would also like to say a BIG THANK YOU  to 
the CRAFTY CATZ girls for the support and help and most of all the friendship on the team.
also the beautiful cards they create week to week
We are also very happy to welcome back Janette  after been unwell for a while.

This month also see's the start of a new Guest Design spot which is 
Hello and welcome Jill hope you enjoy playing along with the team this month.

Now for some more  fab inspiration from the DT   


Aunty Sue








Well now it's up to you to show us your little works of art, 
Please link up with Mr. Linky below,
 remember only one entry only... to make it fair for everyone and most of all enjoy!
Thanks for popping by
X Carol and the CRAFTY CATZ girls.