Thank you to all our kind and wonderful sponsors we are able to offer a sponsor prize on all our challenges in 2019

Every Friday we will bring you a new challenge which is ANYTHING GOES but we have an optional twist to make it more interesting, along with the Design Team's creations for extra inspiration!

Anyone is welcome to join in from all over the world, and we hope you will join us when you can!

We are primarily a card making blog but please feel free to link your alternative projects in line with our challenges. You can combine challenges if you wish.

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Saturday 31 May 2014

winners post 232

Happy Saturday....thanks for calling back for winners post, as from next week we are hoping to have our winners and top 3 announced with our new challenge each Friday, if its not we aim to have it there for you at the latest the Saturday morning.....

Now for last weeks winner
and the congratulations goes to 
TT #97
well done Christine 
Please contact me Carol to arrange for your prize from 
please take the Crafty Catz winners badge for your blog

Now onto our TOP 3 chosen by me (Carol) this week 

no. 17 Lena Løken

# 3 Linda 

great embossing projects
Here is your TOP 3 badge if you would like to share on your blog

Have a lovely weekend all 
New challenge just below 
x Carol x

Friday 30 May 2014

CHALLENGE # 233 Anything goes

Hi there ...Crafty Catz followers...How are you all??
well we are back with another challenge for you and its your favourite

First i would like to thank Anne Maritta who has been our GDT this month 
she has made some gorgeous DT projects including this one below
you have been an wonderful guest Anne Maritta
Also welcome back Nick after being missing in action for a little while 

Now our prize this week is from our lovely sponsor  Bunny Zoe's craft

gif maker

Lets show you what the DT hve been up to






(on a break )



what a fab selection of creations, hope you liked them
now its over to you 
Rules are in the sidebar 
Mr Linky is just below for you to add you project
I will be back tomorrow morning with the winner and top 3 selection from last weeks challenge 
have a lovely weekend 
x carol and the team x

Saturday 24 May 2014

winners post 231

Yah its a Bank Holiday weekend..... hope you all have a lovely weekend...
Now lets see who our winner of Kenny K prize is from last weeks challenge
and it is no  #13 Ursula
Please contact me carol to arrange for your prize
Here is your badge for your blog 

now onto the TOP 3 chosen by me this week in no particular order

# 12 Connie's

well done these are fabulous 
please take our badge for your blog.

Hope you enjoy this weeks challenge....its just below
have fun
x carol x 

Friday 23 May 2014

Challenge 232 - EMBOSSING

Here we are again for our new challenge which is 232.......thank you to everyone who entered last week. We had some wonderful entries
This week it is my turn Christine, to choose the theme and I would like to see embossing...... either wet or dry or even both lol
.We are sponsored this week by Fitztown who  also kindly gave us some images to show. They are also giving the winner 3 digis of your own choice.

Fitztown is a group of talented artists and crafters. we make a variety of products including fine art, sculpting, woodcrafts, papercraft, cardmaking and many more

Here is what our team has come up with for your inspiration, you can visit their blogs for any details.










I hope you have something nice planned for the bank holiday, or even just a little time to yourself. The weather does not sound to good but let's hope we see a little sunshine.
Don't forget to call back Saturday morning to see last weeks winner.
Hugs Christine

Saturday 17 May 2014

winners post 230

Happy Saturday...ooh and the sun is shining....long may it last i say.
Ok lets get on with the show.....
First i would like to announce of GDT for JUNE  and that is Ingrid 
well done Ingrid hope you enjoy your Month with us 

Next is the winners from last weeks challenge and it is # 2 Viv
you win the prize from MEI Flower

our second winner is #14 Debbie Johns
you win the prize from Delicious Doodles
 Here is your winners badge and also if you contact me  Carol address in the side bar 
for your prizes

Now its the TOP 3 choices, this week these have been chosen by  Nina
#2 Viv

well done ladies gorgeous creations all round
Here is your badge for your blog 

Have a safe and lovely weekend
x Carol x

Friday 16 May 2014

Challenge # 231 Just for Sport

Good Morning Crafty Catz are we all doing? well i hope, the weekend is set to be very sunny!!!! whoopeeeee
Now we have a new challenge starting today ...First a big thank you to everyone who played along with our last challenge, winners post will be tomorrow as usual.
we have sadly had to say Bye Bye to Mirella DK she has only been with us a short time but LIFE has gotten in the way again, so she needs to step down and hopefully you will all see her in blog land  again in the near future...we all wish her well. 

Now onto our challenge which is 
So its just as it sounds a sports related creation we would love to see  
we have  a wonderful sponsor this week

Digi and rubber stamps from KennyK are a fun and edgy way to add the perfect dose of attitude and style to all of your creations!
The creator, the artist, the man: KennyK is a NYC-born professional illustrator who has brought his funky-but-slick, urban-influenced look to the cardmaking and papercrafts world. His signature style can be seen throughout his various collections of sexy pinup babes, sweet 'n sassy girls, cool rockin' dudes, kid’s stuff, retro characters and more

5 digi images of winners choice

The DT have been busy with some fabulous images that KK kindly gave us for our challenge so lets see what they have been up too 






OK that's our little creations shared now its over to you...
You know what to do ....
Mr. Linky is just below.....Happy weekend everyone 
stay safe   
x Carol  and the Crafty Catz girls  x

Saturday 10 May 2014

Winners Post 229

Happy Saturday! 
Welcome back for the winners of Challenge #229 - Anything But Square
We had a lovely time visiting you all this week, thanks for playing along.
Our lucky winner for our sponsor prize is...............
#51 Diane

Here is your winner badge
 and please contact Carol to organise your prize  
Now, onto our top three for this week - in no particular order:
#64 Sarah T
#22 Fabiola
#76 Kate T
Wonderful makes this week - please take our badge for your blogs
Our latest challenge is just below - hope you'll join us again this week.
Have a great weekend!
Naomi and the CC girls xx