Thank you to all our kind and wonderful sponsors we are able to offer a sponsor prize on all our challenges in 2019

Every Friday we will bring you a new challenge which is ANYTHING GOES but we have an optional twist to make it more interesting, along with the Design Team's creations for extra inspiration!

Anyone is welcome to join in from all over the world, and we hope you will join us when you can!

We are primarily a card making blog but please feel free to link your alternative projects in line with our challenges. You can combine challenges if you wish.

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Friday, 22 August 2014

Winner & TOP 3 Announcement (Recycle It! Challenge)


Ingrid here to announce the winners and our favourites of the 'Recycle It!' challenge! 
Firstly, I'd like to say a big thank you to all participants who embraced the art of recycling and joined the fun! All of your creations were absolutely amazing and we loved them all! 
Let's see who the lucky winner is... 
Mr. Random org has worked his magic and chosen

Regina - gorgeous project, so elegant and stylish! 

Please e-mail Carol at
to claim your prize and please take your winners badge for your blog

winners badge

Now who is our TOP 3 this week?
These have been chosen by me (Ingrid) and they are-

Elaine, how beautifully artsy and brilliant idea to recycle a dangly earring! Gorgeous textures and colours on this piece!

Pamellia - how could you have made this out of a rice box?! This is stunning and so much effort went into this creation is simply deserves to be in the TOP 3

Rupa, you are the queen of recycling! What a brilliant transformation and stunning results! Gorgeous! 

Please accept our TOP 3 badge for your blog 

Now... I know you are expecting an announcement of a new challenge, but today I have the pleasure to announce that the Crafty Catz are taking a short well deserved break and will be back with a new challenge on 5th September 2014! 

Until then have a great time crafting! 
All the best! 
x Ingrid x
x Crafty Catz x

Friday, 15 August 2014

Challenge #244 - Recycle It!

Hello! Ingrid here with our new challenge post for you! I hope you can play along with us....
Firstly, let's see who won our last challenge!
Mr. Random org has worked his magic and chosen

Please e-mail Carol at
to claim your prize and please take your winner's badge for your blog

Now who is our TOP 3 this week?
These have been chosen by Nina and they are:

Please accept our TOP 3 badge for your blog 

Now this week our challenge theme is 

Recycle It!

We’d like to see you use items that would normally end up in a bin. Perhaps you choose to embellish your project with such item or upcycle something to give it a new purpose! Whatever you decide to make just have fun with it and be creative! If your recycled item is not immediately obvious then please make us aware of what you used in your blog post. Thank you an happy crafting! 

Our fabulous sponsor this week is

PRIZE ......$15 GC to the Fred She Said Store. 

The DT have produced the most wonderful projects this week.  
Let's have a peek at the fabulous inspiration for you... 

Recycled plastic coffee container

    Recycled old pic frame


Baby food jar transformed into a shabby tea light holder

old road atlas pages to make an inspirational wall hanging

Old -Tatty Straw Hat...



(Recycled Paint Swatch cards)

Now it’s over to you, we are looking forward to seeing your creations!

Please link up below with Mr. Linky 
Rules are in the side bar, there are only a few...
Also, feel free to visit our DTMs' lovely blogs by clicking on their name above their inspirational creations and leave a comment, if you wish. I'm sure they'd love to hear from you!  
Have a lovely weekend!
x Ingrid x
x Crafty Catz Team x
Mr Linky

Friday, 8 August 2014

Challenge #243 - Lazy Days of Summer

Hello Nina here with our new challenge post for you, so hope you can play along with us....
Firstly lets see who won our last challenge
Mr. Random org has worked his magic and chosen

1st Sponsor prize winner #2 EMA-gination
who wins 7 images from Bugaboo
This is her beautiful creation

2nd Sponsor prize winner is a gorgeous creation #10 Red Obsession Cards
who wins £10 voucher from Crafty Ribbons

please e-mail carol at
to claim your prize and please take your winners badge for your blog
now who is our TOP 3 this week?
These have been chosen by Naomi
and they are-

#6 Kuni

please accept our TOP 3 badge for your blog 

Now this week our challenge theme is 
Lazy days of Summer
Our fabulous sponsor  this week is

gif maker
The DT have been busy  as usual and made some fabulous inspiration for you  
lets have a peek.



Now its over to you, we are looking forward to seeing your creations too.....

Please link up below with Mr. Linky 
Rules are in the side bar, there's only a few ....
We accept three entries per challenge to keep it fair for everyone.
We do hope you have fun with our challenge.
Happy Crafting Everyone
Nina and the Crafty Catz Design Team


The collection has closed. Let other people know about it through twitter.