Thank you to all our kind and wonderful sponsors we are able to offer a sponsor prize on all our challenges in 2019

Every Friday we will bring you a new challenge which is ANYTHING GOES but we have an optional twist to make it more interesting, along with the Design Team's creations for extra inspiration!

Anyone is welcome to join in from all over the world, and we hope you will join us when you can!

We are primarily a card making blog but please feel free to link your alternative projects in line with our challenges. You can combine challenges if you wish.

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Friday, 8 November 2013

Challenge #206 - Inspirational Photo

Happy Friday! That means the weekend is approaching and even better it's time for a new challenge here at Crafty Catz. We didn't have a huge amount of entries for last week's Paper Piecing, but what was lacking in quantity was made up by quality, goodness there were some good entries. Do stop by tomorrow for the winner and top 3.

It's my first time hosting the challenge for Crafty Catz and I'm trying my best not to klutz it up lol. Anyway this week it's been Guy Fawkes night in the UK (November 5th) and that means lots of celebrations with Fireworks, (for those of you who don't know about Guy Fawkes do google him, it's quite bizarre in a way that we celebrate this and how), and so I thought I'd make this week's challenge to use a photo of fireworks to inspire you. So this week's challenge is an


Now don't run away screaming lol, it's not hard we just want you to take some inspiration from this picture and use it to make your card, that could be the colours, the theme, the picture, the sparkle, the celebration....the list is endless and limited only by your own imagination.

We have an absolutely fabulous sponsor this week, the oh so talented Krista Smith from

Is offering 2 images of their own choice to the winner!!

How cool is that? I lurve her images and so was delighted that she also very kindly provided us with images for the design team to use...'drool'.

The DT and GDT have come up with some amazing creations to inspire you, I think they have done a fantastic job, take a look at what they've created.













Aren't they fab?  We can't wait to see what you have to show us.  Please remember no more than 3 entries each to keep it fair to everyone.

Linda & the Crafty Catz DT.

Picture Inspiration

1. Del  6. Natasha  11. Sanja Grdinić  
2. rachel reynolds  7. Crafty Kiwi Mama  12. ~*Sheena*~  
3. rachel fisher  8. Tanya OD  13. Hilde Loch  
4. Borqna  9. Saskia Pullen  14. Kym  
5. Kym  10. Gro Tjeltveit  15. HeatherM  

(Linkup closed)


  1. Thank you for the challenge!
    /If my project doesn't meet the topic - please ignore it./

  2. You have all done a stunning job thanks for inviting me this month :) hugs Nikki
